Allstate’s Pickford Named InVEST Director, Replacing Retiring Mattis

March 18, 2016

Deborah M. Pickford has joined InVEST, the insurance industry’s classroom-to-career education program that is in more than 600 colleges and high schools, as executive director.

Pickford will replace Diane Mattis, who served as InVEST executive director since 2010 and will retire effective April 1.

Pickford previously served as Allstate Insurance Co.’s senior field corporate relations manager.

“The future of the independent insurance agency system and the industry as a whole depends on attracting new talent and InVEST plays a huge role in this development,” said Robert Rusbuldt, Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America, or Big “I”, president and CEO.

Rusbuldt thanked Mattis for her service to the association at the state and national levels and congratulated her on her retirement.

Founded in 1970 at Hollywood High School by the Independent Insurance Agents of Los Angeles, InVEST started out educating students in insurance to become better insurance consumers. Over the years, it has expanded to also teach insurance agency and company operations and encourage students to pursue careers in the industry. InVEST provides schools and teachers with free materials necessary to launch an InVEST program.