General Star Adds Product Liability Coverages for Manufacturers, Distributors

March 18, 2016

General Star Management Co. has launched a trio of specialized product liability coverages called “Encore!” designed to protect manufacturers, importers and distributors from product liability exposures arising out of discontinued products, mergers or acquisitions, or other past product exposures.

Discontinued Products coverage is available on both occurrence and claims-made forms, depending on individual risk characteristics. A three-year policy term is standard and can be increased to five years where eligible. With premiums that are fully earned at inception and non-adjustable, the policy offers a single aggregate for the policy term.

Additional insured status for the purchasing company is an option, subject to eligibility requirements. General Star provides primary limits of up to $2 million; excess limits are available depending on the applicant’s risk profile.

Retroactive Limits of Liability provides protection for a merger or acquisition scenario in which the seller has no or inadequate product liability coverage.

General Star provides claims-made coverage with limits of up to $1 million with a one day policy term and a customized reporting period designed to meet the requirements of the merger/acquisition. Retro dates of up to five years are available, subject to eligibility.

Liability Trigger Conversion provides “Nose” coverage under a variety of scenarios when a business converts its liability insurance from a claims-made to an occurrence form. Protection is provided on an occurrence basis, with a liability trigger conversion endorsement.

Nose coverage is provided on a one-year term and is renewable annually. Limits of up to $2 million per occurrence are available for eligible applicants. Excess coverage will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Underwritten by General Star’s Casualty Division, primary and excess coverage is provided on a non-admitted basis by General Star Indemnity Co. General Star is a wholly-owned subsidiary of General Reinsurance Corporation, a member of the Berkshire Hathaway family of companies.