ACE Expands Cyber Risk Coverage Options for Non-Profits

September 30, 2015

ACE Group has launched a new coverage component for the ACE Express package policy specifically designed to protect private and not-for-profit organizations. The updated package policy enables insureds to purchase privacy and network liability coverage in a single policy with their directors & officers (D&O), employment practices liability (EPL), fiduciary, and crime insurance.

The new policy allows insureds to customize a program to address their exposures, and are able to add coverages to their package as their businesses evolve. The privacy and network liability coverage section was designed to address new and emerging privacy concerns, granting insureds access to the same experts and loss mitigation services that accompany ACE’s other cyber products.

“According to Symantec’s 2015 Internet Security Threat Report, 317 million new pieces of malware were created in 2014 — that’s nearly 1 million new threats every day. A single breach can have serious repercussions that ricochet throughout the organization, causing irreparable damage to its reputation, business and balance sheet. With this kind of emerging risk, all companies must operate with the assumption that an attack will happen and proactively prepare to address it,” said Keith Lavigne, executive vice president, ACE Professional Lines.

By bringing together ACE’s wholesale and retail professional and management liability businesses, ACE is able to provide a single product offering that combines the features of this product.

The updated ACE Express package policy includes:

  • Privacy liability coverage, covering losses arising from an organization’s failure to protect sensitive personal or corporate information in any format, as well as regulatory proceedings brought by a government agency.
  • Network security liability coverage, covering the liability of the organization arising from the failure of network security, including unauthorized access or use of corporate systems, a denial of service attack, or transmissions of malicious code.
  • Data Breach Fund coverage, covering expenses associated with legal oversight, forensic investigations, notification costs and credit monitoring for impacted individuals, and crisis management services.
  • Access to ACE’s Data Breach Team, an independent panel of specialists in the legal, computer forensics, notification, call center, public relations, fraud consultation, credit monitoring, and identity restoration service areas who have the capabilities and experience to help organizations and businesses execute their data breach response when information is lost or compromised.
  • Free access to the eRisk Hub, a web-based loss mitigation resource designed to help policyholders stay abreast of best practices and regulatory guidelines and prepare detailed, comprehensive response plans.
  • Capacity up to $25 million.

Insurance policies are issued by Westchester Fire Insurance Company or its affiliates. Surplus lines products can only be offered through licensed surplus lines producers. All products may not be available in all states.