Drone Services Firm Names USAA Advisor Swain as VP of Insurance

September 16, 2015

A company that specializes in putting drones to work for companies has hired an advisor from USAA Insurance to be its vice president of insurance.

The Washington, D.C.-based drone service firm, Measure, announced the hiring of Kathleen “Kat” Swain, who has 20 years of experience in the insurance industry and an aviation background.

“Drones have the potential to revolutionize the insurance industry,” said Measure CEO Brandon Torres Declet, who added that Swain will “help insurance companies realize the benefit of incorporating drones in their operations.”

The firm says the new vice president will help insurance companies deploy drones to improve their claims response, risk assessment and post-catastrophe triage.

Prior to joining Measure, Swain was an innovation advisor for USAA, where her responsibilities included leading the insurer’s research and development program for drones. Swain is a pilot who has flown a variety of fixed wing aircraft, coordinated relationships with air traffic control, and managed flight training for United States Air Force officers. She has also served as an insurance claims arbitrator and manager.

USAA is among the number of insurers granted permission to test drones.
