Ironshore International Forms Lead Umbrella Consortium for U.S. Companies

April 28, 2015

Ironshore International’s Specialty Casualty unit of Ironshore Europe Limited (IEL), the Specialty Casualty unit and its Pembroke Lloyd’s Syndicate 4000 have joined with Lloyd’s Antares Syndicate 1274 and Markel Global Insurance to form XXV Consortium.

The newly created XXV Consortium will focus on lead umbrella liability cover for U.S.-based corporates and will begin underwriting commercial risks as of July 1, 2015. XXV Consortium will have capacity limits of up to $25 million for occurrence, occurrence reported or claims-made policies.

“XXV Consortium represents a syndicated approach to underwriting U.S lead umbrella lines of business via a single access point,” said Chris Horton, senior vice president, director of U.S. Liability for IEL. “Through this partnership with shared interests, U.S. clients can develop a closer relationship with the London markets, London and their international markets.”

XXV Consortium will be managed and underwritten by Ironshore Europe Limited, and led by Mark Hill, senior vice president of Ironshore Specialty Casualty.

Ironshore provides broker-sourced specialty property and casualty insurance coverages for varying risks on a global basis through its multiple international platforms. Ironshore’s Pembroke Syndicate 4000 operates within Lloyd’s.