Great American Broadens Property Endorsement for Social Services

April 16, 2014

Great American Insurance Group has enhanced its signature property broadening endorsement for human and social service organizations. The enhanced coverage, offered through its Specialty Human Services Division, is designed to protect an organization’s valuable property.

A feature of the signature endorsement is that limits are applied per location, rather than per occurrence. This means that each scheduled location has the full benefit of its own set of signature limits. This is different than coverages that use a per-occurrence basis, which could leave an organization short on coverage or limits for losses that adversely affect multiple locations.

Another feature of the signature endorsement is a $250,000 blanket limit of insurance, commonly referred to as a basket limit of coverage, in addition to a schedule of additional coverages with specified limits.

According to Jeff Cruey, divisional senior vice president, human and social service organizations have unique risk exposures and valuable property that may require extra insurance protection.

Great American also offers increased limits for specific coverages, as well as a number of new coverages, including communicable disease, crisis management and enhanced crime coverage with a sublimit for employee dishonesty.

Great American Insurance Group is based in Cincinnati, Ohio. The company is engaged primarily in property and casualty insurance, focusing on specialty commercial products for businesses, and in the sale of traditional fixed and fixed-indexed annuities in the retail, financial institutions and education markets.