ACE Names Charlton President of P/C and Micro-Business Division

April 1, 2014

ACE Group today announced that David Charlton has been appointed president of the Property and Casualty and Micro-business Division for ACE Commercial Risk Services. He will lead ACE’s expansion efforts into the property/casualty package and the micro specialty lines market for select small businesses.

Charlton joins ACE with 26 years of insurance experience in the small commercial market. Charlton joins ACE from United States Liability Insurance Co., where he most recently served as executive vice president and chief underwriting officer.

In his new role, Charlton will report directly to Juan C. Andrade, ACE Group executive vice president and global head of Personal Lines and Small Commercial Insurance. Charlton will team with David Lupica, division president, ACE Commercial Risk Services, in the small commercial arena by developing package and specialty lines capabilities for ACE’s smaller commercial lines customers.

Andrade said that in the four years since ACE decided to diversify into the small commercial space and created ACE Commercial Risk Services (CRS), this business has grown “rapidly and profitably” and its small business specialty products are now sold nationally through retail agents and brokers and wholesalers.