IPISC Launches IP Litigation Coverage for Cyber/Media-Based Tech Companies

November 28, 2012

Louisville, Ky. headquartered Intellectual Property Insurance Services Corporation (IPISC) has launched IP Defense Indemnification Insurance for cyber/media-based technology companies.

The cyber/media-based industry utilizes technologies that pose a significant intellectual property (IP) litigation risk. The industry as a whole is particularly susceptible to non-practicing entities and competitors having the resources and deeper pockets to bring unfounded or frivolous charges of IP infringement.

IPISC offers this IP Defense and Indemnification insurance product to cyber/media-based technology companies, such as digital agencies, advertising agencies, software, website, mobile app providers and the vast number of their end-user customers. The coverage helps protect products and methods against charges of IP infringement by providing the needed funds to get through litigation on the merits of the case.