Chartis Adds CrisisResponse Coverage to Corporate Aviation Policies

October 16, 2012

The Chartis insurers have added CrisisResponse coverage to aviation policies for corporate customers, including airports and charter management companies. Developed by Chartis Aerospace Insurance Services Inc., CrisisResponse for aviation companies provides customers access to immediate funds for crisis management costs resulting from a catastrophic event.

With CrisisResponse coverage, policyholders can receive up to $250,000 of additional policy limits for costs associated with hiring a crisis management firm to help manage reputation risk, as well as for other crisis-related expenses, such as temporary living, travel, counseling, medical and funeral costs.

Chartis Aerospace has also sponsored development of a research paper, Aviation Crisis Management, that can help companies prepare for and manage reputation risks from unexpected, catastrophic events. The paper can be accessed on Chartis’ website.