Beazley Forms Data Breach Response Business Unit

August 20, 2012

Beazley has established BBR Services, a new business unit dedicated to helping clients that have suffered a data breach manage the consequences.

Data breaches involving the theft or loss of personally identifiable customer information pose a large and growing challenge to businesses large and small. A thicket of state and federal regulations governs how and when customers must be notified after a breach has occurred, and the risk of reputational damage from a mishandled breach is high.

Launched in 2010, Beazley Breach Response (BBR) offers forensic, legal, notification and credit monitoring services to satisfy all legal requirements and maintain customer confidence. BBR Services will now assume responsibility for the provision of all the response services a BBR policyholder may require following a data breach. In addition, the new unit will continue to develop Beazley’s suite of risk management services, designed to minimize the risk of a data breach occurring.

Katherine Keefe is joining Beazley to head the new unit. Keefe is a partner in the law firm of Dilworth Paxson and chair of the firm’s health care group. She has experience in information privacy and security compliance and in the challenges that healthcare providers in particular confront in managing data breaches.

Beazley plc is the parent company of specialist insurance businesses with operations in Europe, the US, Asia and Australia. Beazley manages five Lloyd’s syndicates and, in 2011, underwrote gross premiums worldwide of $1,712.5 million. All Lloyd’s syndicates are rated A by A.M. Best.

Beazley’s underwriters in the United States focus on writing a range of specialist insurance products. In the admitted market, coverage is provided by Beazley Insurance Co., Inc., an A.M. Best A rated carrier licensed in all 50 states. In the surplus lines market, coverage is provided by the Beazley syndicates at Lloyd’s.