ACE Private Risk Adds Identity Protection Services to High-Net Worth Program

May 21, 2012

ACE Private Risk Services, the high net worth personal insurance business of the ACE Group, has launched personal identity protection services to help clients guard against and recover from identity fraud, as well as manage their reputation at no additional cost. These services complement the identity fraud expense coverage that has always been part of the ACE Platinum Portfolio personal insurance program.

Through an alliance with ID Resolution, LLC, a company that specializes in personal identity management, ACE Private Risk Services’ clients will have access to a suite of services, including: social media monitoring, online reputation management, triple-bureau credit reporting, document recovery in case of catastrophe or loss during travel, and unlimited one-on-one access to identity fraud specialists.

“Privacy is critical to our clients because their substantial assets, prominence in their community, and rapid adoption of new hi-tech devices make them prime targets for identity attacks,” said Gary Raphael, senior vice president, Risk Consulting. “All it takes is one misplaced smart phone, and a whole life can be opened up to prying eyes. Other conveniences such as mobile banking, online shopping, and social networking can also expose our clients to financial and reputational damage.”

ACE Private Risk Services’ clients will have complimentary, unlimited, around-the-clock access to ID Resolution’s identity fraud specialists. Services available through this program include:

  • Social network monitoring Specialists will help clients using social media sites protect their personal information, preserve online privacy, purge inappropriate content, and defend against viruses and cyber threats, including cyber-stalking and cyber-bullying. Clients will be alerted to updates in privacy changes and data standards.
  • Reputation management Specialists will help clients expunge negative and erroneous information about them placed on the Internet and in public databases posting to background reports.
  • Travel assistance – Before traveling anywhere in the world, clients can get safety advice relevant to their destination. If clients lose important documents while traveling, specialists will help them return home safely and recover or replace the documents.
  • Document recovery – In case of a disaster, theft or loss, specialists will assist policyholders in recovering and replacing crucial documents, allowing families to focus on restoring their homes and lives.
  • Fraud resolution – Specialists can handle nearly all types of identity fraud, including account takeovers, credit card fraud, and medical identity theft. They will work directly with all relevant parties, including credit bureaus, collection agencies, creditors, law enforcement, and government agencies on behalf of ACE Private Risk Services’ clients.

Additional services will help clients protect their identity at other times of heightened risk, such as after a home break-in, auto theft, the death of a spouse, or during relocation, marriage or divorce, or birth of a child.

To take advantage of the program, clients simply call the ACE Private Risk Services’ claims team at 800-945-7461, option 1 to validate their status as a policyholder. (Using the services does not count as a claim.) ACE will then transfer the client directly to a specialist at Identity Resolution.

In its ACE Platinum Portfolio home policy, ACE Private Risk Services also provides coverage for up to $100,000 of expenses related to recovering from identify fraud, including lost income due to time taken off from work to handle official matters and attorney fees.