The Climate Corp. Introduces Total Weather Insurance 2012

November 2, 2011

The Climate Corporation (formerly WeatherBill) have launched Total Weather Insurance (TWI) Corn 2012 and TWI Soybean 2012 which provide profit protection for growers against increasingly extreme weather.

Total Weather Insurance (TWI) is The Climate Corporation’s full-season weather insurance program, providing farmers with the ability to lock in profits by protecting against weather events that cause production shortfalls, before federal crop insurance kicks in. TWI is powered by Farm-Level Optimizer, which determines the weather conditions that can make or break an individual grower’s yields based on crop, location and soil type, and then automatically optimizes full-season weather protection for that grower’s farm.

TWI 2012 has made enhancements in two areas:

1.) More localized, farm-specific data:

  • 25x more granular rainfall grids
  • Soil type for policy customization
  • Trend-adjusted yield coverage

2.) More accurate assessment of field conditions:

  • Soil Moisture Tracker
  • Heat stress
  • Planting delay window

The enhancements to TWI 2012 for corn and soybeans are enabled by The Climate Corporation’s technology platform that ingests weather measurements from 2.5 million locations and forecasts from major climate models on a daily basis, and processes that data along with 150 billion soil observations to generate 10 trillion weather simulation data points used in the company’s weather insurance pricing and risk analysis systems. The Climate Corporation manages over 50 terabytes of live data in its systems at any given time.

2012 Coverage for Key Corn and Soybean Weather Perils

Utilizing advanced agronomy, historical yield and loss data, and weather history and forecasts, TWI 2012 for corn and soybeans covers the major weather perils growers may face during the growing season.

TWI Corn 2012 covers key weather perils, including:

  • Planting Rain protects against excessive precipitation that can delay timely planting and other field work.
  • Drought with Soil Moisture Tracker protects against depleted soil moisture that can cause wilting, pollination issues and decreased yields.
  • Daytime heat stress protects against hot days that can reduce crop growth and result in reduced pollination.
  • Nighttime heat stress protects against warm nights that may result in diminished kernel growth due to increased plant respiration.
  • Excess Rain with Soil Moisture Tracker protects against excessive local rainfall that can lead to standing water which starves the crop of oxygen and promotes disease.
  • Low heat units/dreeze protects against a cool growing season or early freeze events that can prevent corn from reaching full maturity.

TWI Soybean 2012 covers key weather perils, including:

  • Planting rain protects against excessive precipitation that can delay timely planting and other field work.
  • Drought with Soil Moisture Tracker protects against depleted soil moisture that can limit reproductive success and yields.
  • Heat stress protects against hot days that can limit plant growth, pod count and seed size.
  • Excess rain with Soil Moisture Tracker protects against excessive local rainfall that can lead to standing water which starves the crop of oxygen and disease.
  • Early Fall Freeze protects against early fall freeze events that may damage plants before full yield potential is realized.