NAS Launches Medical Billers, Coders E&O Program

October 12, 2011

NAS Insurance Services has launched a new program for medical billers and coders. NAS’ Medical Billers and Coders E&O includes: coverage for third party claims arising out of a wrongful act in the performance of or failure to perform medical billing and coding services; MEDEFENSE Plus, which provides coverage for defense costs and fines and penalties from governmental and private payer allegations of improper billing (including RAC & ZPIC Audits) ; NetGuard Plus, which provides coverage for network security and privacy liability, customer notification and credit monitoring expenses, regulatory fines and penalties, data recovery costs, and multimedia liability.

NAS is a product oriented, independent underwriting manager of specialty insurance with full binding authority to underwrite on behalf of Lloyd’s, London and other carriers. NAS offers specialty products for a range of industries and distributes products as insurance and reinsurance.