Research Group IBHS Adds ‘Insurance’ to Name

March 18, 2011

“Gimme an ‘I,’ except in our acronym.” That’s the message the insurance industry’s chief cheerleader organization for improving disaster safety says about its rebranding campaign.

The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) — formerly known as the Institute for Business & Home Safety — has added “Insurance” to its name, a change made to reflect the group’s ties to its funding source, the insurance industry. The rebranding comes as IBHS —headquartered in Tampa Bay, Florida and with a major research facility in South Carolina — promotes its redesigned website,, which it says is now easier to use and more responsive during a crisis. It will also feature more of the research being conducted by the IBHS.

“Our new name clearly and prominently identifies property insurers, reinsurers and other industry partners as the driving force behind IBHS’s valuable research, education and public policy initiatives,” IBHS President and CEO Julie Rochman said. “These companies deserve to be given huge credit for their leadership and enthusiasm for property loss mitigation.”

For the sake of controversy and to preserve the brand equity built up around the Institute’s name it will continue to be informally known as the IBHS.

“The ‘I’ will just have that much more meaning and importance,” Rochman said.