Independent Agents: Tell Carriers What You Think

March 1, 2011

Agents: There is still time to tell insurance carriers what you think! Take this quick survey.

What are the most important factors in the independent agents’ relationship with insurance carriers—and which ones rate the highest on these factors?

Insurance Journal wants to know the answers to these and some other questions—so do your carriers. That’s why we’re sponsoring a major survey of independent agents. We urge you to participate.

The survey will identify key factors in the agent-carrier relationship and lets you anonymously rate carriers you work with on such factors. You can tell insurance company decision-makers how you choose the carriers you use, and exactly what makes great carriers preferable to others.

The survey, conducted by Channel Harvest Research, should take you about 10 minutes to complete and you’ll receive a summary of the findings if you provide an e-mail address as you fill out the survey.

Please click here to take the survey.

Insurance Journal is sponsoring the survey to benefit all independent agents and carriers. Responses are anonymous. Data are reported only in the aggregate.

For more information about this important research effort, go to or contact: Andy Simpson at