Medical Protective to Offer No Cost Cyber Liability Coverage

February 22, 2011

Medical professional liability insurer Medical Protective is now offering MedPro CyberShield, a cyber liability coverage product at no additional charge to policyholders. The company will be adding MedPro CyberShield coverage to all of its insured physicians’ and surgeons’ policies (including corporate policies with affiliated physicians) following state regulatory approval.

MedPro CyberShield provides liability coverage for network security, patient notification, cost of data recovery, and violations of privacy regulations including HIPPA, Gramm Leach Bliley and HITECH.

“The pressure on physicians, practice managers, and their entire staff to protect the integrity of data has never been greater,” said Mark Wittel, agency sales vice president of Medical Protective. “We have seen a rise in the reports of data breaches and accidental releases of sensitive medical or financial information.”

Wittel said Medical Protective offers plans with first dollar coverage and large deductibles, SIRs and alternative risk solutions, for individual healthcare providers to large hospitals and other facilities.

Source: Medical Protective