Chartis’ Introduces Enhancements for Restaurant, Real Estate Industries

February 7, 2011

Chartis has introduced Prime Express with XSEnhanced, a suite of coverage endorsements developed by its Growth Enterprises Division to provide industry-specific enhancements to Growth Enterprises’ Prime Express commercial excess liability insurance solution. The initial industry endorsements to be introduced to the market are XSEnhanced: Restaurants and XSEnhanced: Real Estate.

XSEnhanced: Restaurants complements the Prime Express excess liability policy for restaurants with up to $25 million in annual sales, and expands the policy’s Products Completed Operations Hazard coverage to include coverage for bodily injury and property damage occurring on and off the premises. In addition, XSEnhanced: Restaurants also features additional coverage for pesticide, herbicide, fungicide, fungus, mold and bacterial conditions.

XSEnhanced: Real Estate expands the Prime Express policy by adding professional liability as well as broadening coverage for pollution and discrimination conditions for firms with up to $25 million in annual sales.

Brokers can quote and bind Prime Express with XSEnhanced directly on Growth Enterprises’ eExcess platform, or they can work directly with their Growth Enterprises excess casualty underwriter to secure coverage.

Source: Chartis