Donovan Named CEO at Beecher Carlson

January 31, 2011

Dan Donovan has bee named the new chief executive officer at Atlanta-based broker Beecher Carlson.

Tom Golub will step down as CEO and will remain as the chairman of Beecher Carlson.

Donovan is an industry veteran with 30 years of experience. He has been with Beecher Carlson since 2005. Prior to joining Beecher Carlson, he served in a senior leadership role at HRH, which has since been acquired by Willis. At HRH, Donovan was responsible for the $100 million operations of the former Hobbs Group. Prior to the HRH acquisition, Donovan was the operations manager and the global property manager for the Hobbs Group.

Beecher Carlson’s is a privately held company with its corporate office in Atlanta. It also maintains offices throughout the United States and in Bermuda.