Ironshore, BLIS Offering Medical Liability for Specialty Surgeons

December 20, 2010

Ironshore, Inc. has announced the creation of a specialty market program in partnership with BLIS, Inc to protect bariatric surgeons performing elective cash or self-pay surgery. The agreement will enable BLIS to expand the distribution of its BLISCare product nationwide to advance the treatment and outcomes of surgery for individuals struggling with morbid obesity.

BLIS, which specializes in financial services for cash or self-pay surgery, offers patients a layer of protection opting for elective surgery, thereby allowing the surgeon to build the cash payment section of the practice. BLISCare insurance product protects bariatric surgeons by covering the cost of complication-related medical care so cash pay patients can obtain necessary medical care needed to treat the complication at no additional cost. Since its inception in 2006, BLIS has provided protection on over 3,200 bariatric cases and paid on behalf of 200 BLIS surgeons more then $8 million in medical bills that would otherwise been the added financial responsibility of the individual patient.

The agreement with BLIS marks the twelfth such specialty product offered by Ironshore Programs within select segments of the general liability, professional, medical malpractice liability, umbrella and package markets. Ironshore Programs works with proven administrators to develop customized insurance products to serve unique classes of business that are underserved by the general insurance marketplace.

Source: Ironshore, BLIS