Capson Expands Online Medical Malpractice Program Into More States

November 9, 2010

Capson Physicians Insurance Co. (Capson), a new online medical malpractice insurance provider, has expanded its services to Texas, Kentucky and Idaho healthcare providers. Expansion into several additional states will be announced in the coming weeks.

Capson has streamlined the process of acquiring medical malpractice insurance for healthcare providers. It has shortened the process of applying for insurance by eliminating the typical 15-page application and providing physicians an online application, underwriting and purchase model. The coverage remains comparable to or potentially broader than existing coverage.

By allowing physicians to deal directly with the insurance company, Capson is also able to offer physicians savings of as much as 20 percent off their existing policies.

Capson also offers CapsonCare, a patient satisfaction program designed to facilitate a better physician-patient relationship by soliciting honest feedback from patients via electronic surveys immediately following an office visit. CapsonCare can help healthcare providers address operational inefficiencies, reduce patient turnover, differentiate their practices and potentially reduce the number of medical malpractice claims filed.

Source: Capson Insurance