Chartis Introduces Commercial Excess Form with CrisisResponse

October 4, 2010

Chartis has introduced a new Commercial Excess Follow Form (CEFF) policy, developed by its Environmental Division, which is enhanced with CrisisResponse, providing coverage for the management of crisis events.

The new CEFF policy is designed to complement the Chartis insurers’ Professional Package (PRO-PAC) and Environmental and General Liability Exposures (EAGLE) Program®, two unique products that integrate pollution liability with general liability for a comprehensive insurance solution.

The new CEFF policy follows the insuring agreements, exclusions, definitions and conditions in the underlying Chartis insurers’ EAGLE and PRO-PAC primary policies that provide general liability, pollution and optional professional liability coverage. Chartis is offering limits up to $25,000,000 and variable limit options for pollution or professional liability. Similar excess limits are available over an underlying employer’s liability, commercial automobile, non-admitted foreign liability, and maritime protection and indemnity policies.

CrisisResponse provides tools needed to manage a crisis, control claims and help restore a company’s reputation in the event of a potentially catastrophic crisis. The built-in coverage enhancement offers additional policy limits to access leading crisis management firms and the support of in-house claims specialists.

Specifically, CrisisResponse offers:

  • Up to $250,000 indemnification for crisis management costs such as temporary living, travel, psychological counseling, and medical and funeral expenses;
  • Up to $50,000 indemnification for public relations expenses, enabling policyholders to access an extensive network of public relations and crisis management firms;
  • Access to in-house claims specialists, with a 24-hour, toll-free crisis hotline; and
  • A product recall enhancement that amends the definition of CrisisResponse costs to include indemnification of expenses incurred by the recall, inspection or disposal of an unsafe or contaminated product in connection with a crisis situation.

Policyholders of the new CEFF policy are also given access to several programs to further enhance their solution to risk management. Specifically, access is provided to:

  • The Pollution Incident and Environmental Response program (PIER), which provides insureds access to a 24-hour emergency response network; and
  • RiskTool, a Web-based environmental, health, safety and property risk management resource.

Source: Chartis Insurance