Midlands Introduces Public Entity Package

June 8, 2010

Midlands Management Corp. has introduced a public entity multi-line package designed for select public entity risks that want to gain more control over their casualty exposures by accepting a self-insured retention (SIR) and implementing a proactive claims management partnership and risk control program.

Through this program, Midlands provides both individual and pools of public entities with the opportunity to partner with an insurance carrier that can provide them with SIR options, broad policy forms and competitive primary limits.

The public entity multi-line package can combine several coverages under one policy, including comprehensive general liability (CGL), automobile liability, auto physical damage, property, workers’ compensation (buffer), crime, law enforcement liability (LEL) and public official liability (POL). The program is open to public entities with populations above 20,000, including cities, townships, villages, counties, and scholastic and higher education institutions.

Coverage is provided on a non-admitted basis and features highlights such as:

  • All lines basket aggregate for SIR
  • Clash cover for SIR
  • Unintentional E&O clause for property
  • Sexual abuse & harassment coverage
  • Employee benefits liability for POL
  • Occurrence and claims made available
  • Broad incidental medical malpractice
  • No coinsurance clause

The public entity multi-line package is offered through wholesale brokers and managing general agents.

Source: Midlands Management Corp.