CNA Adopts Cargo Theft Database CargoNet

February 23, 2010

CNA has implemented CargoNet, a database network that combats cargo theft through improved sharing of cargo theft information between the industry and law enforcement.

Cargo theft is a multibillion-dollar economic drain that exploits existing gaps in the nation’s information-sharing framework. When theft victims are unable to provide timely and accurate information concerning their losses, law enforcement’s ability to conduct effective investigations is hampered. In addition to the immediate loss of merchandise, cargo theft affects insurers and their policyholders through added costs that are ultimately passed along to consumers.

“It’s universally agreed that better data collection and sharing are critical to combating cargo theft,” said David Shillingford, president of CargoNet.

The CargoNet database and information-sharing system were designed by a group of law enforcement, insurance industry, and supply-chain experts and is managed by ISO. Investigations support and law enforcement liaisons are coordinated by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB).

Source: CNA