BRP Launches Tech General Liability, Errors & Omissions Coverage

December 11, 2009

Business Risk Partners (BRP), based in Windsor, Conn., now offers general liability (GL) coverage to technology firms that purchase errors and omissions (E&O) policies. Coverage is underwritten by Lloyds of London.

“Today a service firm without GL and E&O coverage runs serious risks,” says Lisa Doherty, president of BRP. Doherty says bundling both products can help to eliminate questionable coverage areas between GL and E&O in the technology sector.

A blurring of lines between GL and E&O often occurs, Doherty says. “For example, where is the blame when a flaw in a network consultant’s design recommendation and installation of peripheral equipment leads to a fire at the client’s office? Would the consultant’s GL insurance cover the claim due to the property damages, or his E&O because of financial damages to the client as a result of errors in the consultant’s professional advice?”

The combination policies are immediately available nationwide on a non-admitted basis to technology firms with revenues up to $10 million. Capacity of up to $1 million per claim and $2 million aggregate is available.

BRP is a provider of E&O insurance for all types of businesses distributed through brokers nationwide, and serves more than 30 classes of business in the tech arena, from service firms specializing in hardware and software design, maintenance and installation to telecommunications, computer forensics, data entry and management, Web site design, call centers, and more.

Source: Business Risk Partners,