Travelers Offers Network and Information Security Offense Coverage

August 27, 2009

Travelers Bond & Financial Products is now offering Network and Information Security Offense coverage endorsements on its Wrap+ policies. These endorsements are available for eligible policyholders in targeted private and non-profit industry groups.

As the number of incidents involving unauthorized access to confidential information grows, organizations today are placing a greater emphasis on data protection and insuring against the potential litigation that can arise if information security is compromised, the insurer says.

“Companies today are paying greater attention to not only protecting the information they gather and store, but also the liabilities created should that information be compromised,” said Tim Francis, network & information liability product manager for Bond & Financial Products.

The new Travelers Wrap+ endorsements allow coverage to be added directly to existing management and professional liability coverages.

Travelers’ new Network and Information Security Offense coverages apply to claims for failing to prevent access to confidential information regardless of whether the information is accessed due to systems hacking, lost mobile email devices and laptops, or “dumpster diving” and “phishing” schemes. The endorsements are available for policyholders of Travelers Wrap+ Directors and Officers (D&O), Miscellaneous Professional Liability (MPL), and Employment Practices Liability (EPL) coverages in eligible industry classes.

The D&O and MPL endorsements add coverage for claims alleging a failure to prevent unauthorized access to private and confidential information. Coverage also extends to claims arising out of the transmission of computer viruses, and failing to provide notification of information security breaches. In addition, Travelers’ EPL endorsements are tailored to address information security issues unique to the employer/employee relationship and claims that may result from unauthorized access to private employment information.

Travelers is also offering a Crisis Event Management Expenses coverage for D&O and MPL policyholders eligible for the new endorsements, which provides customers expense reimbursement for consulting services provided by a public relations firm in response to a crisis event. With this endorsement, these policyholders will receive an additional coverage limit of $25,000 for crisis management event expenses.

Travelers Wrap+ is available for privately owned and non-profit organizations and provides several management liability coverage options. Customers can select one or more of the available coverages on a single comprehensive policy platform. Available coverages include D&O, EPL, Fiduciary Liability, MPL, Crime, Kidnap and Ransom, and Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement coverage.

The new Network and Information Security Offense endorsements with added Crisis Management Event Expenses coverage are now available in 48 states and will be available countrywide pending state approvals.

Source: Travelers