Insential Launches Home Value Warranty Program for Builders

July 15, 2009

Dallas, Texas-based Insential Inc. launched the first of its new consumer protection programs created to provide crisis protection for consumers and help rebuild consumer confidence.

The new program — Home Value Warranty — is a warranty program for home builders across the United States. Home builders can protect their home’s equity by extending this warranty to each new homebuyer, while transferring that warranty risk to an insurance carrier. This warranty mitigates the potential loss of value of a home should the homeowner decide to sell their home in another distressed real estate market.

The Home Value Warranty program, created in response to the troubled housing market, protects both the consumer (buyer) and the builder. It is available immediately for residential builders on all new homes, and will be included in the purchase price of new homes sold; whether they are spec homes, or pre-sold homes — custom homes, or tract homes.

Insential claims that as a part of a builder’s warranty portfolio, the new Home Value Warranty program can help builders ease the concerns of prospective homebuyers and help protect their investment. It will also assist the builders in selling the thousands of existing new homes on the market today, and allow them to start earning profits again by building more homes, the company said.

“We believe it is a “win-win” situation for all parties involved in the new home building market — builders, consumers, real estate agents, and the mortgage lenders,” said Darwin Lucas, president of Insential.

Initial distribution of the Home Value Warranty program will be limited to Insential’s partner agents. The program is available nationwide.

Source: Insential Inc.,