HCC Insurance Holdings Forms HCC Public Risk Subsidiary

June 23, 2009

Houston-based HCC Insurance Holdings Inc. announced it has combined the operations of its Kenrick Corporation subsidiary with recently acquired Arrowhead Public Risk and Pinnacle Underwriting Partners, to operate as HCC Public Risk, which is expected to have gross written premium totaling $90 million for 2009.

HCC Public Risk will target growth opportunities in the public entity insurance sector, building on Kenrick’s expertise working with state and local governments and organizations, Arrowhead’s public entity experience and Pinnacle’s criminal justice business.

HCC Public Risk’s three divisions will report to Cory L. Moulton, executive vice president of U.S. Property and Casualty Operations.

HCC Public Risk, Midwest (which will include Kenrick) will be led by President Broderick J. Donaldson; HCC Public Risk, East (formerly Arrowhead) by Senior Vice Presidents Joel Hirsch and Sharon L. Wright; and HCC Public Risk, West (formerly Pinnacle) by Senior Vice President Michael L. Davis.

Vickie F. Kartchner will oversee underwriting activities across HCC Public Risk.

“Combining these three companies makes very good sense operationally, geographically and from a business development point of view. HCC Public Risk will have major offices in the Great Lakes Region, on the East Coast and in the West, as well as expertise in an impressive range of public entity underwriting. In addition, the combination provides a more efficient and cost-effective organizational structure,” Moulton said.

Source: HCC Insurance Holdings Inc. (HCC), www.hcc.com