Professional Liability Insurance Enhances Real Estate E&O Program

March 19, 2009

Professional Liability Insurance Services Inc. Underwriting Facilities, (PLIS) has added some new features to its real estate errors and omissions product for small to medium agencies with insurable limits up to $1 million / $2 million and various deductible options. New policy features include deductible reduction, disciplinary proceedings and electronic media submit.

Additional policy features include: pay on behalf / duty to defend policy; prior acts coverage (premium discount available for inception coverage); punitive and exemplary coverage (where insurable); additional coverages available for additional premium; additional limit for defense costs up to $500,000; contingent BI & PD sublimit; personal injury sublimit; and aggregate deductible.

Underwritten through Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s (A.M. Best Rated “A”) on a claims-made and reported policy form.

As a part of the insured’s policy, Specialty Risk Management Inc. is provided as an independent resource to assist insureds with their daily issues.

Source: Professional Liability Insurance Services Inc.,