Insurance Agents 40-and-Younger: Where Are You? What Are YOU Thinking? Exclusive Survey

March 16, 2009

Young property/casualty insurance agents and brokers across the U.S. are being called upon to answer some questions … and have some fun.

Who are you? What do you really think about your career? about your industry? about the older agents and brokers in your office? Are you stymied in pursuing new ideas?

Insurance Journal has launched an Click Here to take survey“>exclusive online survey and is inviting all licensed property/casualty agents and brokers who are 40 years and younger to join in.

The survey takes only a few minutes. The 25 mostly multiple-choice questions touch on attitudes and opportunities as well as management issues and the soft market. They also venture into some surprising territory.

How many hours do you work? Do you want to be an owner someday or are you already one? Does the industry need more diversity? What do you like and dislike about being an agent?

All individual agent and broker replies are confidential. Aggregate results will be reported in Insurance Journal magazine on April 20.

To participate, check your agent/broker license and birth certificate; if you were born in 1969 or after, you’re eligible.

Click Here to take survey