Why a Small Hairless Lawyer Should be America’s– and Insurers’– First Pet

January 15, 2009

Harry Truman might have said it, Bill Clinton did quote it and George Bush, Sr. said he didn’t need the advice because he already had First Lady Barbara Bush but it simply goes like this: “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog!”

That bit of political wisdom has apparently not been lost on the Obama family as they hunt for the perfect hypoallergenic pooch to suit daughter Malia’s dog allergy.

As the Obamas narrow the choices to Labradoodles and Portuguese Water Hounds, a Southern California-based gift manufacturer, Billable Hours Unlimited, Ltd., has tossed up a breed all their own into the mix for consideration as America’s First Mutt — a small, hairless part-pit-bull-part-shark, remote-controlled D.C. lawyer (well, D.C. current, at least) toy named “My Pet Lawyer!”

Now that’s a toy many in the insurance industry would love as well– as long as it’s not made in China. A lawyer who can be controlled by a remote! One whose speech can be programmed!

The toy company figures “why mess around with toy poodles when you can have a pet that’s not only White House-broken but that’s already been endorsed by the American Bar Association Journal as a ‘must have toy’ for the lawyer who has everything!”

Back in Bill Clinton’s day it was “the economy, stupid” and it is again today so what could make more dollars and sense then a presidential pet capable of doing double-duty as White House co-counsel with Greg Craig? Heck, “My Pet Lawyer” is already the “Editor’s Pick” in the Special Inauguration Edition of “Where Washington” Magazine and “Tip of the Month” at the Washington D.C. edition of www.wheretraveler.com! With that kind of publicity, he could end up the first attorney general in 20 years to not only get himself in the doghouse but who would actually enjoy living there!

The pet can be met with the click-of-a-mouse rat www.mypetlawyer.com! He laughs and growls and his eyes and mouth flash wildly while barking nine prerecorded messages from “You talkin’ to me, sharkbait?!” to “Pro Bono? Never heard of him!”

Adopters of “My Pet Lawyer” get to personalize him by recording anything they want him to say (or even sing) at the push of a button! Imagine a whole “firm” of pet lawyers singing harmonies like the Supremes or better yet – like the Supreme Court!

“My Pet Lawyer” could forever change that old Truman quote to, “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog– but if you plan to work in Washington, get a pit bull who can take a deposition.”

Five percent of the net profits from sales made directly through the www.mypetlawyer.com website will be donated to Voice for the Animals and used for the rescue and adoption of homeless pets.

Source: My Pet Lawyers