Insurer: More Home Fires Occur During Holidays Than Any Other Time

December 18, 2008

Travelers Insurance is reminding consumers that while they are home for the holidays they should remember that more home fires happen between Dec. 24 and Jan. 6 than any other time of the year.

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), traditional decorations and rituals can present some unique fire hazards in the home. The NFPA says that, when combined, the “Four C’s” – Christmas trees, candles, chimneys and children – can be a serious fire risk.

Some safety issues are:

– Half of home-candle fires begin because an item is left near a lit candle.

– Home-candle fires happen on Christmas Day more often than any other day. Next worst: New Year’s Day and Christmas Eve.

– Christmas trees are the cause of 300 home fires every year.

Source: Travelers Insurance