York Launches Program to Manage Construction Defect Claims

November 17, 2008

York Insurance Services Group, a provider of a full range of insurance services, including claims administration, loss control, risk management, pool administration, specialized loss adjusting and others, launched a program to manage construction defect claims for insurance carriers who choose to outsource this specialty and also for self-insured construction contractors. The program is available nationwide.

York’s Construction Defect Claims Practice manages all aspects of construction claims, including: A thorough investigation and documentation of the claim and taking of statements; identification and retention of engineers, architects and other experts;
representation of the client in mediation; and, should litigation become necessary,
recommendation and supervision of legal counsel and briefing of the legal team and any expert witnesses.

“It’s a mistake to have less experienced adjusters or generalists handle construction defect claims,” says Clayton Hartley, construction defect practice leader with York. “For these types of claims, there’s a clear reduction in overall cost of loss when specialists manage the claims from the beginning.”

In addition to construction defect claims management, York also offers a proactive documentation and file archive service called “CDVault.” With CDVault, York’s experts will come in during or at the completion of any project and document all subcontractors, employees working on the project, materials, vendors, inspectors, insurance contracts, client sign-offs and other information. Then York will archive that information.

Source: York Insurance Services Group, www.yorkisg.com