Insurance News Looks to be Out of Control in 2008

January 3, 2008 by

An editor has some control over the selection of the top stories of the year 2007, but it’s limited. That is, the choices are limited by the real news.

But looking ahead to 2008, the headlines are limited only by the imagination. Thus next year, keep your eyes out for these breaking stories:

• U.S. Product Safety Agency Bans All Toys
• New Broker Hires Entire Marsh Management Team
• Brown & Brown Acquires Last Remaining Insurance Agency
• Allstate Re-enters Homeowners Business on East Coast
• Democrats Urge Free Flood Insurance
• Aon Sells “A” in Corporate Name
• State Farm Hires Former Sen. Trent Lott as Counsel
• Risk Managers Applaud as Commercial Insurance Prices Rise
• Insurance CEOs Say the Heck with Discipline; Vow to Cut Rates to Gain Market Share
• AIG Buys China
• Marsh Pressures Insurers to Remit 120% of Premium to Cover Lost Compensation
• Republicans Push Law to Outlaw Global Warming
• Community’s Disaster Planning a Disaster
• Insurer Pays First Identity Theft Claim
• “Real Time” Publicity Budget Exceeds Insurers’ Technology Spending
• AIG’s Sullivan, C.V. Starr’s Greenberg to Box for Charity
• State Insurance Commissioners Modernize Office Furnishings
• Hurricane Forecasters Go Out of Business
• Insurance Journal Editor Fired

If any of these stories happen, Insurance Journal will be there to cover them.

Happy New Year to all.