Service Allows Insurance Agency Websites to Go Mobile

October 18, 2007

Florida-based Confluency Solutions is now offering specially formatted mobile web pages for insurance agency web sites.

According to the company, there has been an increase in the number of websites accessed via smart phones and other mobile devices, fueled most recently by the introduction of Apple’s iPhone. Companies like Google and Fox News, which have designed web sites optimized for small, hand-held screens and slower Internet connect speeds, have reported improved traffic and web site use. Confluency’s product, Mobile Web Pages, promises to deliver independent insurance agents same benefits.

“This is an opportunity for independent insurance agents to get ahead of the curve,” maintained Kevin McDonald, president of Confluency Solutions, “Agency owners and managers are usually restricted to improving their websites to a point where they can catch up with consumer expectations of yesteryear. The Mobile Web Pages push insurance agent web sites right to the brink of an emerging and meaningful trend.”

He said that some agency web resources are accessed more than others, so mobile web formatting may be more important for some content then others. “It’s really a matter of surveying the most frequently accessed web tools and then asking yourself, ‘what is a customer likely to need from us when they are traveling or away from their desk top or lap top?’. That’s the key to mobile pages that benefit customers and pay off for the insurance agency,” continued McDonald.

The Mobile Web Pages are available as an optional component to Confluency’s Platinum Package of web design, hosting and solutions for independent insurance agents.

Source: Confluency Solutions