Brown & Brown Names Paschke and Strianese Regional Exec. VPs

July 20, 2007

Brown & Brown Inc. announced it has appointed Michael Paschke and Anthony Strianese as regional executive vice presidents. Paschke and Strianese are headquartered in the West and Northeast, respectively.

Paschke joined Brown & Brown in 1990. An employee benefits specialist, he was the top sales producer in the Western United States from 1993 through 1998. In 1995, he was promoted to manager of the Phoenix Employee Benefits Department and in January 2000 was named Profit Center leader of the Phoenix office. From 2000 through the present, the Phoenix office has grown to become the third largest retail office in Brown & Brown.

Paschke’s responsibilities have included taking a lead position on Western Region mergers and acquisitions, and recruitment and development of personnel. He has been a member of the Brown & Brown Leadership Counsel since 2000 and represents the company on several industry-related committees and forums.

Paschke has just completed a two-year term as chairman of the Council of Employee Benefits Executives (CEBE), after having served as vice chair the two years prior. The CEBE is part of the Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers. In his new position he will continue to be active in mergers and acquisitions and recruiting as well as oversee offices in Seattle and Tacoma, Wash., and Tucson, Prescott and Phoenix, Ariz..

Strianese came to Brown & Brown in January of 2000 when he formed Peachtree Special Risk Brokers (PSRB). Prior to joining the company he held leadership positions with The Home Insurance Company, Kemper Insurance Company, and Tri-City Brokers, in New York City. During the past seven years, under Strianese’s leadership, PSRB has been one of the fastest growing entities in Brown & Brown. Today there are ten PSRB offices in six states providing wholesale brokerage services for agents on a broad range of risks, with a growing presence in placing risks in the UK and other European markets.

Strianese also has been very active in the company’s ongoing mergers and acquisitions activity, especially as it relates to wholesale brokers. In his new capacity he will continue to direct the PSRB offices and actively seek new opportunities while also overseeing the operations of several other Brown & Brown wholesale operations, including ECC Insurance Brokers, MacDuff Underwriters and Roehrig & MacDuff Underwriters.

Source: Brown & Brown,