Shand Morahan Revamps Lawyers Professional Liability Program

January 12, 2007

Shand Morahan & Company Inc., underwriting manager of Evanston Insurance Company, revamped its lawyers professional liability program, now called Designed Protection for Law Firms. Targeted to hard-to-place attorneys and law firms, the updated program features a new, more competitive policy form and application, as well as the addition of three risk management enhancements unique in the marketplace.

The risk management components are made available free-of-charge to all Evanston policyholders. A description of Shand’s Designed Protection for Law Firms risk management services includes:

Lawyers Risk Management Hotline — Confidential telephone hotline staffed by a panel of attorneys with expertise in risk management for the legal profession, and defense of lawyers professional liability claims and ethics related state bar disciplinary proceedings.

Lawyers Risk Management Guide — Comprised of 80 core risk management strategies specifically targeted to law firms and attorneys.

Professional Practices Guide — Applicable to a wide range of non-medical professionals. The guide is comprised of 230 Leading Edge Strategies across a broad array of 75 different high-impact topics that include claim mitigation, client relations, marketing and firm profitability.

“Shand has been a market for hard-to-place Lawyers Professional for over 30 years, so we’re very excited to bring this new program to market,” said Mark Henderson, Lawyers Professional and Architects & Engineers product specialist for Shand, who led the effort to revamp the lawyers professional program. “Our new policy form, coupled with the trio of comprehensive risk management services provides a very attractive, added-value product offering within the hard-to-place segment of the Lawyers E&O market.”

Source: Shand Morahan & Company, Inc.