CNA to Offer Small Business EPL Package

January 10, 2007

CNA has enhanced Epack, its management and professional liability package policy, to create Epack EZ. Targeting companies with less than 50 employees and $10 million in assets, Epack EZ offers a stand alone employment practice liability (EPL) policy or combination EPL, directors and officers and fiduciary policy.

Epack EZ offers online applications to obtain quotes. Eligible policyholders also have access to a Web site devoted to managing employment exposures. Epack EZ offers a two year policy term and a separate limit for defense cost. In addition, other standard policy enhancements include: a broad insured definition that includes domestic partners; a broad definition of covered wrongful employment practices; automatic coverage for third-party claims; punitive damages coverages; and independent contractor coverage.

“EPL exposures continue to concern many U.S. companies including those with fewer than 50 employees,” said Dan Auslander, vice president of CNA Pro – Commercial Accounts. “Our Epack EZ policy provides EPL coverage for this business segment as well as directors and officers, and fiduciary coverage. We designed the product with an online ‘smart’ application so the steps from application to policy are extremely fast.”

Source: CNA,