PIA Offers ‘Main Street’ Agent Ad Campaign Free to Members, Insurers

November 29, 2006

Members of the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents and the insurance companies they represent can now participate in a new branding program, Local Agents Serving Main Street America,which has been designed to increase independent agents’ market share and positioning.

The first major component of the campaign consists of a series of print advertisements that PIA members can run in local publications, customized with their agency logo and contact information, and (optionally) a company logo.

“The PIA Branding Program does not attempt to create a new identity for PIA members,” maintains PIA Executive Vice President and CEO Len Brevik. “Our agents have never needed a new identity. They already have one that is clear and positive with consumers: they are Professional Insurance Agents. Their customers know who they are. They’re local and they care.”

Brevik says the brnading campaign seeks to extend the reach of agents’ already-established identity.

“Since the purpose of the PIA Branding Program is to help PIA members grow their businesses, we selected a favorable price point: free,” Brevik said.

Brevik also explained that there is also no fee for carriers that wish to participate in the PIA Branding Program.

“We’d prefer that carriers hold onto their money and use it to support the advertising initiatives of their PIA member appointed agents with cooperative advertising dollars,” Brevik added. “By signing on as sponsors of the PIA Branding Program, companies will help ensure that their sales channel of choice prospers now and in the future.”

Each of the PIA Branding Program’s advertisements can also be printed for use as flyers or as inserts in publications. The ads are available in a variety of sizes, in color as well as black and white.

“I reviewed the new PIA ads and think they are terrific,” said PIA agent Chester Butler, President of The Butler Company, Inc., an insurance agency in Nashville, Tennessee. “They tell our story well. In an advertising field that is overrun with gimmicks, this straightforward approach is refreshing. Indeed, I like the PIA ads so much, I already have one at the printer. These ads are really ‘on the mark!'”

Source: National PIA