Ga. Rep. Kingston Honored as ‘Legislator of the Year’

May 2, 2006

U.S. Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) was honored with the Gerald Solomon-Legislator of the Year Award for his efforts in Congress on a number of important insurance issues during the Big ‘I’ National Legislative Conference and Convention in Washington, D.C.

The Big “I” honored Rep. Kingston for sponsoring a successful amendment that eliminated funding for the Premium Reduction Plan crop insurance program for one year. He also has been involved in many important issues for agents, including class action reform, terrorism risk insurance, and the proposed elimination of the estate tax, or “death tax.”

“Congressman Kingston has been a true friend to independent insurance agents and brokers, and a leading voice on issues of importance to insurance agents and Main Street businesses,” Robert A. Rusbuldt, Big “I” CEO said. “His expertise and knowledge in this field is both broad and deep, and we are fortunate that he is in Congress. He is a truly deserving recipient of this award.”

“As a former independent insurance agent, Congressman Kingston understands the issues that our members confront on a daily basis,” Charles E. Symington Jr., Big “I” senior vice president for government affairs and federal relations, said. “He has been a visible and vocal leader on issues that matter to our members and was instrumental in bringing about meaningful legal reform and crop-insurance reform. We are proud to honor him with the highest award independent agents can bestow on an elected official.”

The Solomon Award is bestowed annually by the Big “I” upon a member of Congress who has provided outstanding leadership on insurance issues. It is named as a tribute to the late Congressman Gerald Solomon (R-N.Y.), the former House Rules Committee chairman and Big “I” member who championed independent agent and broker legislative concerns during his 20 years in the U.S. House of Representatives.