CNA Unveils Enhanced EPLI Coverage

October 18, 2005

CNA announced another step in its updated and enhanced suite of management and professional liability products by introducing a stand-alone employment practices liability (EPL) product.

The new coverage, EPL Solutions, is targeted to publicly-traded commercial companies, financial institutions and financial service organizations. In addition, EPL Solutions includes expanded definitions and enhanced coverages which address the changing employment world.

CNA’s EPL Solutions offers limits up to $15 million, and is a part of the suite of coverages that are offered to clients through its distribution network of agents and brokers. This is the latest effort by CNA Pro to keep its offerings current and timely. Further announcements are scheduled to highlight Fiduciary Liability, Management Liability/EPL for Law Firms, and Management Liability for Private Equity Firms, Hedge Funds, and Real Estate Investment Trusts.

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