Beazley Offers Employment Practices Liability for Mid-Sized Firms

September 21, 2005

Beazley, an insurer of specialty coverages, is offering an employment practices liability (EPL) policy to U.S. clients with up to 10,000 employees.

The new policy will be offered in the admitted market and underwritten in the United States by Beazley Insurance Company Inc., a U.S. admitted carrier.

The Beazley EPL policy offers expanded coverage features, including:

Coverage for punitive and multiplied damages
Coverage for violation of the Family & Medical Leave Act
Third party coverage available
Narrow exclusion language
Comprehensive list of covered wrongful acts.

The Beazley policy can include a separate limit for defense costs, in addition to the limit for damage awards or settlements, and a 70/30 settlement clause, which allows the insured greater flexibility to defend claims following a settlement offer.