AIG Halts Removal of Documents in Bermuda; CEO Sullivan Sends Letter to Shareholders

April 3, 2005

American International Group has reiterated its intention to cooperate with all investigations and acknowledged it had to stop efforts to remove documents from its Bermuda building, in a letter to shareholders.

“AIG has worked diligently to protect and preserve relevant documents, and will provide them to the authorities as requested. Recently, AIG became aware of efforts to remove documents and information from its Bermuda building without AIG’s permission. AIG immediately brought these incidents to the attention of the relevant authorities,” Martin J. Sullivan, president and chief executive officer, wrote in an April 3 letter to AIG shareholders:

One Bermuda employee of AIG was terminated for failure to cooperate with AIG’s review, and several other AIG employees in Bermuda have resigned, Sullivan acknowledged.

He aid AIG has been conducting its own “around the clock” internal probes and is cooperating with authorities from the New York Attorney General’s office and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The complete text of Sullivan’s letter follows:

“Dear Fellow Shareholder:

I want you to know that our Board of Directors and the new management team are taking numerous actions in connection with ongoing regulatory inquiries and internal reviews.

We have been working closely with regulators and other authorities to ensure that everyone throughout the organization complies with AIG’s policy of full cooperation with all investigative efforts, both internal and external. Among other things, AIG has been briefing the authorities on the progress of its internal review, providing documents and information, and assisting in making company personnel available as necessary.

AIG has worked diligently to protect and preserve relevant documents, and will provide them to the authorities as requested. Recently, AIG became aware of efforts to remove documents and information from its Bermuda building without AIG’s permission. AIG immediately brought these incidents to the attention of the relevant authorities. AIG has been cooperating with the New York Attorney General and the Securities and Exchange Commission with regard to document security in New York, Bermuda, Ireland, and other locations. As previously disclosed, one individual in Bermuda was terminated for failure to cooperate with AIG’s review, and several other AIG employees in Bermuda have resigned.

We are working around the clock to complete our internal review as quickly and thoroughly as possible. AIG will continue to cooperate fully with all relevant authorities in their investigations. This includes terminating the employment of any AIG employee who does not cooperate with the internal review and external investigations.

We are committed to improving transparency and corporate governance, and we want to have an open and constructive dialogue with our regulators. At the same time, it is unfortunate that current circumstances have obscured the reality that AIG’s unique global franchise is sound, our financial position is solid, and cash flow remains strong. Most important, our managers and employees around the world have stayed focused on the business, demonstrating remarkable resilience, integrity, and commitment under challenging circumstances, thus meriting the continued confidence of our customers, agents, and producers.

I am convinced that the process we have under way will make AIG a stronger and better company for the future. It will also enable AIG to protect its reputation and continue to play a leading role in global insurance as the industry moves to make necessary changes.


Martin J. Sullivan”