Target Markets Plans Program Benchmark Survey

March 2, 2005

The Target Markets Program Administrators Association announced the distribution of its 2005 program benchmarking survey to all of its members.

“One of the most important aspects of our association’s mission is to assist members in doing business more efficiently,” said Art Seifert, president of The Lighthouse Companies and current association board chairman. “Our goal is to provide every member of Target Markets the opportunity to achieve excellence in program administration.”

Seifert said the first step is for program administrators to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their current program operations. In order to provide members with a tool to accomplish this task, the group has developed the Target Markets Program Administrators Benchmarking Survey along with its partner Mystic Capital Advisors.

Mystic Capital Advisors Group, LLC, an independent insurance industry consulting and advisory firm, and member partner of Target Markets, will administer the survey for the association.

According to Matt Klossner of Mystic Capital, the survey will let administrators compare their program operations to those of their peers in areas of productivity and efficiency, income and expense, technology and automation, staffing and employee efficiency and marketing and advertising.

Klossner said the results of the survey will be shared with all respondents later this year.

The survey will be one of topics discussed at the Target Market Mid Year Meeting scheduled for April 25-27, 2005 at the Baltimore Hyatt Regency Hotel.

Program Administrators interested in the Benchmarking Survey, attending the Mid Year Meeting or Target Markets Membership can contact, or 877-347-5700.

The Target Markets Program Administrators Association is devoted to the needs of insurance program specialists. The association is skills-based, concentrating on technology, workshops, interaction with insurance carriers/reinsurance intermediaries, networking with peers/vendors and product cross selling among members.