InVEST Offers Speaker’s Kit on Industry Careers

February 9, 2005

InVEST, an education program that strengthens the insurance industry by attracting a large pool of qualified insurance recruits, has released a new speaker’s presentation packet to help insurance professionals and teachers interest students in pursuing careers in the industry.

The kit, “Tools of the Trade: Your Guide to Introducing Insurance,” helps professionals deliver information-packed presentations at high schools, community colleges, career days and more about the myriad opportunities available in the insurance industry. Materials include details about careers in the industry, questions and answers on general insurance topics, a PowerPoint presentation and student handouts.

“This proactive outreach activity improves the image of our industry, attracts prospective recruits and educates future consumers—and it’s also the perfect opportunity for agents, brokers and carrier representatives to highlight insurance as a viable career option for any audience,” said InVEST Board Member Roger Ronk CAE, executive vice president of the Independent Insurance Agents of Indiana who helped to develop the kit.

The speaker’s packet is available for free download at Also available is a complimentary, 14-minute video CD, “Insurance as a Profession”; for a copy, contact Sandra Skipper, InVEST program manager, at (703) 706-5437 or

In other developments, InVEST announced the introduction of curriculums covering homeowners and business owners package (BOP) policies. And one of its sponsoring organizations, the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America, donated computers on behalf of InVEST to Ivanna Endora Kean High School, based in St. Thomas, which is starting an InVEST class.