Lighthouse Offers New Healthcare Administrators Professional Liability Policy

January 28, 2005

The Lighthouse Companies has introduced a personal professional liability policy developed exclusively for employed healthcare administrators called VitalCare.

Policies are underwritten and issued by the Chubb Group of Insurance Companies and claims are also handled by Chubb. The program is endorsed by the American College of Healthcare Administrators (ACHCA) and its members may qualify for a discount.

VitalCare provides personal protection for healthcare administrators above the protection afforded to them under their employer’s medical professional liability insurance policy. Coverage extends up to $1 million per claim and per policy year. Coverage is personal; it is written specifically for the administrator for their protection, not that of the facility or other employees.

VitalCare is designed to cover healthcare administrators when they are:

• Named as a defendant in a negligence claim covered by their employer’s medical professional liability insurance policy.

• Named personally in a lawsuit and their employer’s medical professional liability insurance limit is insufficient.

• Named personally in a lawsuit and their employer’s coverage has lapsed without the administrator’s knowledge.