PCI Restructuring Staff One Year Later

January 19, 2005

One year after being formed by the merger of the National Association of Independent Insurers and the Alliance of American Insurers, Ernie Csiszar, president and CEO of the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI) on Wednesday announced a restructuring of the association staff designed to deliver products and services to members more effectively and efficiently.

The restructuring resulted in the elimination of 18 positions on the association’s headquarters and regional office staff. Headquartered in Des Plaines, Illinois, PCI also maintains offices in Washington, DC; Sacramento, California; Austin, Texas; Tallahassee, Florida; Atlanta, Georgia; Albany, New York; Boston, Massachusetts, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and Trenton, New Jersey.

The bulk of the job reductions were made in the areas of office technology and administration, where the merger resulted in duplication of positions. The primary reason reportedly for the reductions was to streamline operations and realize cost savings from the merger. The association’s ability to deliver advocacy and information services to its more than 1,000 member companies will reportedly not be affected by the restructuring.

“In the merger of any two organizations there will be some duplication,” said Csiszar. “One of the benefits of a merger is a consolidation of operations and a reduction of expenses. After studying the association’s organization structure for the past three months, we identified those areas where duplication existed and made the necessary – yet very difficult – decision to reduce our overall staff count. PCI members deserve the most efficient and cost effective association possible. We are now a more streamlined and functional organization dedicated to fulfilling our advocacy and information objectives.”