Leading Insurance Educator Named to Advisory Board of LMC Capital

January 4, 2005

Dr. David D. Wood, the Joseph F. Freeman Distinguished Professor of Insurance at Appalachian State University and a nationally recognized expert in the areas of agency operations and valuations, has been appointed to the Advisory Board of LMC Capital LLC, an insurance industry investment banking firm.

Dr. Wood has received service and teaching awards from the university and various insurance industry organizations in addition to an award for outstanding service by the North Carolina Commissioner of Insurance. His research has been published in leading insurance and financial publications. As an active member of several national insurance organizations, he has served as a featured speaker at their meetings. Prior to his career in education, he gained valuable practical experience working as an independent insurance agent.

Dr. Wood has served as a consultant to businesses with regard to risk management decisions and has been an expert witness in cases involving insurance contract interpretation and agents’ standard of care. He also directs a management development program for agents and has served as education consultant for the Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) program.

In announcing the appointment, Walter Sherman, LMC managing director said, “We are indeed very fortunate and honored to have someone the caliber of Dave Wood join our Advisory Board. As an award winning and highly respected member of the insurance education community, his expert knowledge of insurance workings and agency operations will be an invaluable asset to our firm and to our clients.”

Other members of the LMC Advisory Board include Byron T. Yancey, Jr. of Charlotte, North Carolina and Stephen P. Zwick of Santa Rosa, California who are both 25 year veterans of Citigroup where they
were senior members of the organization.

“Individually, these three men represent the best of the best in their fields of expertise. We are extremely proud to have them on our team,” Sherman added.

In closing, Sherman said, “Having quick access to these three gentlemen’s valued counsel significantly enhances our ability to provide clients with the unsurpassed level of service we strive to achieve. Each of our clients will in some way benefit from their individual world class levels of expertise.”