St. Paul Travelers Releases “Breaking the Code” on CD for Personal Lines Agencies

September 22, 2004

St. Paul Travelers (SPT) announced the release in book and CD form of a series of popular presentations that Lloyd “Skip” Daigle, Vice President of Agency Development at Travelers, has given to independent agents over the last 10 years on how to grow their business.

“More than 1,000 independent agents have learned the secret to growing their business profitably over the long term,” said the announcement. “Now Mr. Daigle’s popular Personal Lines Agency Workshops, held throughout the country, have been immortalized in a new book and training video on CD called ‘Breaking the Code.'”

“We’ve listened, we’ve tested and we’ve learned. And through this process we’ve broken the code to agency success,” Daigle observed. “No one else in the industry has the tools we have to help agents achieve long-term, sustainable growth, and this book will show you how.”

SPT said the book and video would be used to train field staff and agents on ways to identify their operating philosophy, as well as job designs, compensation plans and work flows. “Pairing a unique blend of humor and extensive know-how, Mr. Daigle’s engaging presentation style has been captured to help agents across the country determine the philosophy for their agency and then develop the procedures to match that philosophy and achieve their goals.”

Practical advice on strategies such as account rounding, marketing and customer retention will help leading independent agents develop ideas on how to attract and retain profitable business through simple, yet effective steps that work in the real world.

“Attending the Travelers Agency Workshop was a revelation to me. In the three years following, I implemented just a few of the marketing ideas, and my agency has grown 14 percent annually,” stated past workshop attendee David Gelia, executive VP of United Insurance Agency in Amherst, N.Y. Although no particular result is guaranteed, Mr. Gelia indicated that, “Any agent who wants to maximize their potential will benefit from Skip’s book, which lays out all the necessary tools to make your agency a success.”

“Breaking the Code” is available to independent agents and other insurance professionals by calling their local Travelers field representative.