Employers Re to Become GE Insurance Solutions

September 7, 2004

General Electric has announced that it intends to unify the branding of its reinsurance and commercial insurance products and services as GE Insurance Solutions.

“The name change is significant, yet it’s just the first step toward building a powerful brand,” stated Ron Pressman, Chairman, President and CEO. “Our brand is a promise to our customers that they will get world-leading risk expertise from dedicated people who build strong relationships by delivering unsurpassed customer service.”

The new brand name will replace not only Employers Re, but also GE Re, GE Frankona Re, Westport Insurance and “nearly a dozen other go-to-market names.” GE said, however that “insurance and reinsurance risks will continue to be underwritten by the existing legal entities whose legal names will not change.” GE Global Insurance Holding Corporation will, however, change its name to GE Insurance Solutions Corporation.

Pressman noted that the “foundations of our brand are in place. We’ve retooled the organization by reenergizing our strong customer relationships and rededicating ourselves to delivering the kinds of solutions our customers need to succeed in their markets. With more than $50 billion in combined assets and $7 billion in statutory capital, this business has never been stronger financially or strategically.”

The adoption of the GE Insurance Solutions brand name “is part of an overall rebranding at GE, which is dramatically reducing its market-facing entities and names,” the bulletin concluded.