NAMIC to Hold 109th Annual Convention

August 26, 2004

The National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) has announced its 109th Annual Convention, to be held on Sept. 19-22, 2004, at the Hilton Washington.

The convention, expected to attract more than 1,600 participants, features special sessions targeted to the interests of property/casualty insurance companies.

Highlights include:
Keynoter James K. Glassman
Wednesday General Session Guest Speaker Mary Matalin
Tuesday Morning General Session and Property Casualty Concurrent Session Speaker Robert Treadway
Tuesday Afternoon General Session Speaker Robert Wendover
Farm Conference Concurrent Session Speaker David Okerlund
Banquet Entertainment, The Capitol Steps & Marvin Hamlisch

Keynoter James Glassman will offer three unique views of the Washington scene and the election from his experience in the realms of journalism, business and public policy. His television experience includes hosting CNN’s Capital Gang Sunday and TechnoPolitics on PBS. He has been a guest on ABC’s Good Morning America and Nightline, CNN’s Larry King Show, and PBS’ Charlie Rose Show.
Since 1993, he has written a weekly syndicated investing column for the Washington Post. He is the author of the acclaimed The Secret Code of the Superior Investor (Crown).

Tuesday Morning General Session Speaker Robert Treadway is known for clear forecasts and a practical approach to strategy and tactics for the future. His presents “How the Economy is Shaping the Future.” A member of the World Future Society and the Association of Professional Futurists, he will offer solutions to help companies “prosper in a changing environment.”

Robert Wendover explores the challenges of colliding generations in companies’ operations. President of The Center for Generational Studies, Wendover will discuss how generational differences affect the workplace and what can be done about it.

David Okerlund, of the Creative Communications Institute, stresses the importance of a dynamic leadership, knowing what to do and having the ability to convince people to take ownership in getting the task accomplished.

Wednesday’s Public Affairs session features Mary Matalin, former assistant to President George W. Bush and counselor to Vice President Dick Cheney – the first White House official to hold that double title. Prior to her White House service, Matalin hosted CNN’s critically acclaimed debate show, Crossfire.

More than 100 different vendors will exhibit their products and services at more than 120 booths.